Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Swimmer Treading on Land

Hello, BRs!

     I have wonderful news to tell you, but first I need to tell you my past situation that leads to my wonderful news.  Last year, I started doing home workouts with Zuzana and Freddy for about 4 months and shown progress of weight loss.  Ever since my winter vacation, I stopped doing their workouts.  BUT, I did not stop working out; no matter how much time I spent at the gym doing cardio and weight lifting I just could not lose weight (I actually gained 10 lbs.).  This one step forward  and two steps back has been keeping me from reaching my weight goal.  At first, I thought the first 1-3lbs. weight gain was from muscle soreness and swelling, but I kept gaining poundage week after week.  So, yesterday I have decided to redo my Workout Regime (WR), which leads to my wonderful news: My WR. 
     I am going to start running.  This may seem nothing new to you, but for me, as a swimmer, this is a huge leap of change.  I use to swim 4-5 times a week doing over 5000 yards for each day.  When it came to running, I literally could not run a full lap without stopping.  I HATED the feeling of sweat and the after taste (I get this gross bitter taste.  Is this just me?) in my mouth after a mile run.  Anyways, I think I have maxed out in swimming and need to take on a new body challenge.  Deep down, I wanted to be a decent runner, but did not have much motivation in me.  Now, I have so much motivation and confidence to run and be the best I can be as a runner.  I am doing this 8 week running challenge, at the end my goal is to run 3 miles non-stop.  It is ambitious and I want to try it out.
     Along with running, I am going to start doing home workouts with Zuzana and Freddy again.  They are inspirational and amazing team.  Bodyrocker has a tight knit group of people who enjoy working out without going to the gym.  These workouts are not sissy, they are short and intense!  Try one of their workouts.  (Here is the link to their website: bodyrock.tv)
     I hope by the time I reach my 8 week mark, I have reached my goal of being a runner.  This journey is going to be a challenge and having my sister doing this with me helps me to stay motivated.  I will post once a week on my progress and my thoughts.  I hope to see good results. 
     I would like to hear your WR, thoughts, and/or experiences.   

Peace and Love,